You got Q’s, we got A’s.

What is tarnation is a “Food Truck Colony"?”

First of all, love the accent. Second, a food truck colony is basically a bunch of food trucks and food vendors all getting together at the same time and place. Kind of like the fair, but smaller and less dirt. Probably some dirt, just less.

Why do it?

You know how when you go out of town on vacation, there are almost always cool, interesting things to do in other cities?We want Bakersfield to have a few more of those kinds of cool things to do.

Doesn’t this hurt brick-and-mortar businesses nearby?

On the contrary, dear Watson! More people walking around downtown is good for everyone. It brings more foot-traffic to those brick-and-mortar businesses because it gives people a reason to be downtown in the first place. Hard to get foot traffic from people leaving for Pismo on the weekends.


Ah, yes. “Where you at” for those who are not as savvy with textspeak. Yes, that’s a real language—look it up. Our first EatStreet is set to take place in the empty lot on the corner of 18th St & N St, but future EatStreets are likely to take place in different locations in Downtown Bakersfield.

Are you sure it’s going to work?

“Nope! But why not give it a try?” —The Wright Brothers, probably

Who’s is charge?

EatStreet is an initiative of The Hub of Bakersfield. The food vendors are all local business owners.